Poems Poetry Art

Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare

Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare

Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare    Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare
Art Efron earned his Ph. In English from the University of Washington in Seattle, and he taught in the University at Buffalo English Department from 1963 to 2005. Before leaving Seattle, Efron started Paunch, his journal of literary criticism.

Paunch earned its name from Efron's admiration of Don Quixote's truth-telling companion Sancho Panza (whose name roughly translates to "sacred belly"). While Efron started his journal before arriving at UB, it was in Buffalo that the journal fully took form.

Using flexible formats, the journal became a home of radical thought and varying genres. Lyle Glazier's novel, Stills from a Moving Picture, came out first as a Paunch issue. There was also early fiction by Max Wickert and Bill Keep. Poetry was often included, notably a series by the late, Buffalo English Department legend Mac Hammond called The Horse Opera. Some issues were guest-edited and others served as tributes to radical thinkers, such as experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage and philosopher and aesthetician Stephen C.

Publications of Paunch continued through 1999, made possible by subscriptions - libraries were especially helpful. Efron succeeded in his enterprise without, as he puts it, ever making a cent and losing only a few dollars. The journal's final issue, The Live Creature edited by his wife, Ruth Kirstein, and Tom Morris, was a surprise presented to Efron at a grand retirement party at UB's Anderson Gallery. Efron pretended he knew nothing about it. Paunch Number Thirty-One (31) (April 1968).

; Swartz, Esther; Dawson, Gene; Taylor, Jeremy; Hass, Robert; Cirocco, William L. Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1968.

Contents: Swartz, Interview with Stan Brakhage. Dawson, A cinematic letter to Paunch, or where "Moses" was when the lights went out. Hass, Coming out of Mother: a note montage. Klein, I, thou, and you in three Lawrencian relationships.

True, The radical intellectual in the catacombs; his disappearance from the U. Schmitz, Notes on teaching Dostoyevsky's Notes.

Paunch Number Thirty-Five (35) (February 1972). ; Schmitz, Neil; Glazier, Lyle; Rose, Hariet; Martin, Herbert Woodward; Pearson, LouAnne; Baxter, Charles.

Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1972. Contents: Schmitz, Al Young's SNAKES: words to the music. Glazier, Six poems from VD. Rose, Toward the pleasure principle: character revelation in Benjamin Franklin's To the Royal Academy. Pearson, LeRoi Jones and a black aesthetic.

Baxter, Spider lady: images of domination in book II of THe Faerie Queene. Paunch Numbers Thirty-Six and Thirty-Seven (36 and 37) (April 1973). ; Gerber, Stephen; Steig, Michael; Arehart, Cathy; Ruffus, Stephen. Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1973. Paunch: 46-47 (Wayne Burns Issue) December 1976.

Zaslove, Jerald; Doheny, John (editors). Paunch, Numbers 40-41 (April 1975). ; Morris, Tom; Small, Michel; Buchen, Iving H.

Krieger, Elliot; Greenberg, Alvin; Wooster, Margaret; others. Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1975.

Contents: Morris, On Etruscan Places. Small, The tale the critic tells: D. Buchen, Decadent sexuality and satire. Krafft, Anarcho-romanticism and the metaphysics of counterforce: Alex Comfort and Thomas Pynchon. Krieger, Re-reading allegory: the clerk's tale.

Greenberg, Efron and Morris, On poetry and philosophy: problems in Bostetter's critical method. Efron, Paunch, Wuthering Heights, and the body. Paunch, Numbers 42-43 (December 1975). Contents: Sylvia Plath's "Tulips":a festival critical commentary by Efron, Brian Caraher, M. Uroff, Robin Reed Davis, Marjorie Perloff.

Contributors include Gene Frumkin, William Benzon, Joel Lipman, Robin Willoughby, Bruce Clarke, Paul Dilsaver, Jerome Greenfield, Burton Weiss, Michael Scrivener, Barry K. Margaret Wooster, Charles Leslie Banning. Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, 1977.

Paunch Number 48-49 (September 1977). ; Comfort, Alex; Taylor, Charles B. Hoerner, Dennis; Clarke, Bruce; May, Charles E.

Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1977. Contents: Grosz, Bodyscapes (black and white erotic photographs). Comfort, The warrior and the suffragette: notes on the science fiction of John Norman. Taylor, Fragments towaard a new chauvinism: the masculist manifesto. Hoerner, review of In the Wake of Reich ed. Clarke, Imagination's glory, the one, the sexual body: contexts for Dejection: An Ode. May, Explorers in the realm of sex. May, Sex, submission and Story of O: an excerpt. Discussion by John Herold and May. Efron, Story of O as sex-denying fantasy. Nardo, Romeo and Juliet up against the wall.

Schmitz, Ehuming Whitman: the body in the text. Paunch Number 52 (October 1978). Special Section on Thomas Hardy. ; Parrish, Wendy; Baxter, Charles; Southerington, F.

Glazier, Lyle; Taylor, Pat Ellis; Sullivan, Ellie Ragland. Published by Arthur Efron, Buffalo, New York, 1978. Baxter, Review article: Conversations in the Gallery. Poems by William Cirocco, Gene Frumkin, Ulf Goebel, Steve Lewandowski, Lyn Lifshin, Amy Rosen, wilson Stapleton, Phillis Hoge Thompson. Efron, Thomas Hardy's bulging autograph. Southerington, Review article, Young Thomas Hardy (Robert Gittings). Schweik, A comment on F. Southerington's critique of Gittings, with discussion by Southerington and Schweik. Davis, Literature and woman's body. Taylor, The missionary position reconsidered. Sullivan, Review article: Not Dying: A Psychoanalyst's Memoir of His Wife's Death F. A Bibliographical Primer on the Criticism of Culture. Published by Buffalo: Paunch, 1980.
Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare    Paunch Magazine Lot (17) Art Efron University of Buffalo Literary Magazine Rare