There is a library sticker note (1901 year) on the each book. Books were presented to the library by N. Some books are in good condition, some of them are acceptable - damage on the spine. Please see pictures for details as a part of the description. The Mershon Company Publishers, New York.
Small Size/Pocket book: 6 in. Poe's Poems - The complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe with memoir by J. Lowell's Poems - Poems by James Russell Lowell, 229 pages.
Longfellow's Poems - Poems by Henry W. Pleasures Of Life - The pleasures of life by Sir John Lubbock, 292 pages. Rollo In Rome - Rollo in Rome by Jacob Abbott, 223 pages. Bacon's Essays - Essays by Francis Bacon, 426 pages. House Of The Seven Gables - The House of the seven Gables, a romance, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 403 pages. Scarlett Letter - The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 346 pages. Emerson's Essays - Essays, first series, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 234 pages. Twice-Told Tales - Twice told tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 305 pages.