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Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature

Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature

Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature    Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature

There is a library sticker note (1901 year) on the each book. Books were presented to the library by N. Some books are in good condition, some of them are acceptable - damage on the spine. Please see pictures for details as a part of the description. The Mershon Company Publishers, New York.

Small Size/Pocket book: 6 in. Poe's Poems - The complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe with memoir by J. Lowell's Poems - Poems by James Russell Lowell, 229 pages.

Longfellow's Poems - Poems by Henry W. Pleasures Of Life - The pleasures of life by Sir John Lubbock, 292 pages. Rollo In Rome - Rollo in Rome by Jacob Abbott, 223 pages. Bacon's Essays - Essays by Francis Bacon, 426 pages. House Of The Seven Gables - The House of the seven Gables, a romance, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 403 pages. Scarlett Letter - The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 346 pages. Emerson's Essays - Essays, first series, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 234 pages. Twice-Told Tales - Twice told tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 305 pages.
Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature    Lot of 10 Vintage End of 19th Century Books Poems Essays Novels Literature