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Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat

Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat

Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat    Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat

In Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch, Julie Van Peteghem examines what drew medieval Italian writers to the Latin poet's works, characters, and themes. While accounts of Ovid'sinfluence in Italy often start with Dante's Divine Comedy, this book shows that mentions of Ovid are found in some of the earliest poems written in Italian, and remain a constant feature of Italian poetry over time. By situating the poetry of the Sicilians, Dante, Cino da Pistoia, and Petrarch within the rich and diverse history of reading, translating, and adapting Ovid's works, Van Peteghem offers a novel account of the reception of Ovid in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italy.

Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat    Italian Readers of Ovid from the Origins to Petrarch Responding to a Versat